Life is circulatory in nature
“It can bring great harmony, balance and purpose to your life. It is a spiritual way to manage the changes in our lives.”
We have cycles of life. Just as the seasons change so do the cycles of our life. The technique of using cycles to manage life is based on ancient Kabbalism. The cycles are sometimes calculated using the seven cycle system or the nine cycle system, I personally follow the seven cycle system. We have an annual cycle and we have a lifetime cycle. The same principles of the cycles are applied but to the year based on your birth date and to the life based on your age.
Why use cycles? It is a great way to approach life so that you flow with your own energetic balance. It can bring great harmony, balance and purpose to your life. It is a spiritual way to manage the changes in our lives. It helps us to know when to make big decisions, when to start things, when to finish them, why things are breaking down or terminating and how and what to do to manage these occurrences. It also helps to understand when to avoid certain things and it makes us aware of our experiences and how to navigate them to our advantage so we are making the most of our existence.
“During the Saturn Cycle we experience a breaking down of energy, termination, drastic changes, creative destruction.”
The cycles of our lives also co-relate to the planets. Everything moves in circles, even the planets. Healing is also circulatory in nature. When we heal the chakras we use clockwise and counter clockwise techniques. Just as the chakras, when clairvoyantly observed also moves clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time. We can activate them and make them spin faster or inhibit them and make them smaller, if they are over activated. When the kundalini energy (fiery serpent) is awakening or rising through specific techniques taught in Arhatic Yoga the movement up the spine is also circulatory.
We also find that karma is a cycle, what we tend to do or give out energetically, comes back to us like a boomerang effect. Sometimes however the seeds we plant take a while to mature, you may find the karma is not always immediate and can be carried with us through lifetimes. Karma can be negative or positive depending on our projected energies and thought waves.
“With the Sun Cycle we are renewed, refreshed, there is a desire to begin things.”
For instance days 315-365 in our annual cycle about just under 2 months before our birthday we will be in our annual Saturn Cycle. During the Saturn Cycle we experience a breaking down of energy, termination, drastic changes, creative destruction. In the Saturn Cycles we tend to seek spirituality and lean more into our spiritual studies or practices and seek internal guidance. It is not a good time to start things plan or enter certain relationships as we need to tend to our emotions and allow the washing away of old patterns, habits or ways of thinking and acting. Being aware of this cycle can help us, for instance when I am aware my Saturn Cycle is coming I know I should do more service or tithing to generate some good karma to prepare for the breaking down or difficult cycle before the Return to the Sun Cycle which occurs on our birthday. With the Sun Cycle we are renewed, refreshed, there is a desire to begin things. The Sun Cycle which occurs on day 0-52 of our annual cycle is a great time to start a business project, ask for favours, enter a new relationship. Bring new energies in and start planning ideas or even our annual calendars can be properly articulated at this time.
“In Our Moon Cycle we may feel strongly connected to the moon and the rituals related to the new or full moon might seem attracting to us.”
After our Sun Cycle we have our Moon Cycle, which occurs on days 53-104 of our annual cycles. During our Moon Period we are looking towards short term deals or transactions, businesses related to liquid. Spending time close to water seems very intriguing at this time or changing our diets to allow more cleansing of toxins from the body. Taking a purge or brief fasting is greatly accessible at this time. In Our Moon Cycle we may feel strongly connected to the moon and the rituals related to the new or full moon might seem attracting to us, turning inward may seem natural. Our Mars Cycle will occur on days 105-156 of our annual cycle and during this cycle we will find we might be involved in a passionate relationship, starting new projects requiring dynamic physical activities. We suddenly feel our emotions are heightened and we feel the need to get close to partners or start exploring and dating may be very successful at this time. Becoming quite engaged in physical sport or outdoor activities may suddenly excite us.
During days 157-208 of our annual cycle will be our Mercury Cycle at this time we may find ourselves drawn to intense mental activities, communication may flow freely our sense of marketing, analysing may be heightened. This may be a good period to settle legal activities or even start them. Communicate your emotions or find new ways of relating to the world around you. The drive to commit and stay aligned with projects is heightened so it is a good time to make use of that energy.
“We may be drawn to long term relationships or commitments as magnetic attractions can come alive during Venus Period.”
Jupiter Cycle will be days 209-260 of our annual cycles and again this another great time for starting a business, a new project or bringing an idea to fruition. Prosperity and success is easily achieved during this period. The tendency to make money and prosper financially is high, so it is a good time to take risks. The benefits and rewards from projects started in the Sun Cycle tend to be visible at this time.
Our Venus Cycle will occur on days 261- 312 of our annual cycle and this is a very good time to relax, take time out. Plan vacations to take place during this period as it is a retirement from daily activities and a time to retreat. Sexual affairs tend to occur or become more appealing during this time. Be careful because sexual energy can become overwhelming and if not properly controlled or regulated can result in some chaos. Planning fertility or conception would be very fruitful at this time. We may be drawn to long term relationships or commitments as magnetic attractions can come alive during Venus Period.
We then enter our Saturn Cycle as discussed earlier which occurs on days 313-365 and brings our annual cycles to a point of destruction for the rebirth of the next Sun Cycle.
“If we are aware of our specific cycles then we can navigate our experiences and know why certain things are occurring and understand our connections to the planets and to the entire solar system.”
These same cycles can be applied to life using a 7 year system with the same energies behind each period applied for instance from ages 0-7 would be our Life Sun Cycle. We will enter our Moon Period from ages 7-14 years of age, Mars Period would be ages 14-21, Mercury occurs during ages 21-28 years, Jupiter Period ages 28-35, Venus ages 35-42, Saturn Period ages 42-49 and return to our Solar Period again from ages 49-56 and so on.
If we are aware of our specific cycles then we can navigate our experiences and know why certain things are occurring and understand our connections to the planets and to the entire solar system. Enquire about Spiritual Business Management which is an amazing course offered in the Pranic Healing School to teach everything you need to know about your life and annual cycles.